Why Deep Frying Can Be Good For You?

Why Deep Frying Can Be Good For You?

Who doesn’t like deep fried foods? Unfortunately, deep frying is not really the healthiest cooking method, particularly when done on an industrial scale. But deep frying at home certainly does not have to be unhealthy.

Your choice of cooking oil and how you use it makes a far big difference.

How does deep frying work?
The ideal temperature when food is submerged in hot oil is around 176-190°C (350-375°F). The surface cooks almost instantly, forming a type of “seal” that oil is unable to penetrate. If the temperature is too low, the oil will seep into the food, making it greasy and if temperature is too high, it dries out the food an oxidize the oil.

Choose a Cooking Oil that is STABLE.

Many people are concern about choosing oil with a high smoke point, however, we want to remind you not to neglect the oil that are stable and don’t react with oxygen when heated.

The more saturated the fats are in the oil, the more stable it is! Simply because the chemical structure in saturated fats is very stable and do not contain double bonds between carbon atoms.

Coconut Oil has about 90% saturated fat, being the healthiest oil used for cooking.

This simply means coconut oil is the most stable oil to be used when heated, making it very resistant to heat. Studies have shown that even after 8 hours of continuous deep frying at 180°C (365°F), the quality of the oil does not deteriorate.

Saturated fat was wrongly perceived as unhealthy, due to the American propaganda. But new studies show that they are a completely harmless source of energy for humans.

Coconut oil also has many healthy benefits, is also nature’s richest source of healthy medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). Nutrients are easily digested and absorbed by our body without burdening our organs.

Bottom line, coconut oil is your  best choice of cooking and baking needs, safe for deep frying and it taste great, add crispness and do not damage easily when fried.

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